- 預備知識:線性代數
- 適合年級: 研究生
- 課程簡介:
Algebraic Graph Theory is the branch of mathematics that studies graphs by using algebraic properties of associated matrices. More in particular, spectral graph theory studies the relation between graph properties and the spectrum of the adjacency matrix or Laplace matrix. And the theory of association schemes and coherent configurations studies the algebra generated by associated matrices. This course, also called Linear Algebraic Graph Theory, emphasizes on the first part, and another course, called Algebraic Combinatorics, includes the second part.
- Matrices associated to a graph
Characteristic polynomial of a graph
Spectrum of a graph
Perron-Frobenius theorem
Interlacing property
The Courant-Weyl inequalities
Positive semi-definite matrix
The number of spanning trees in a graph
Spectrum tells regularity and bipartiteness
Laplace matrix
Laplace eigenvalues and degrees
Switching and cospectral graphs
Graham-Pollak decomposition theorem (optimal)
The spectrum of Cayley graphs (optimal)
Selected topics: cliques, cocliques, chromatic number, Shannon capacity, connectivity, separation, diameter bound, perfect matchings, block designs (optional)
- Andries E. Brouwer and Willem H. Haemers, Spectra of graphs, Electrical Book
Chris Godsil and Gordon Royle, Algebraic Graph Theory, Springer, 2001