陳秋媛(Chiuyuan Chen)教授
- Email: cychen@nycu.edu.tw
- 電話: 03-571-2121 或校內分機 31767
- 傳真: 03-572-4679
- 地址: 300 新竹市大學路1001號 陽明交通大學 應用數學系
- 相關網站:
- 113 學年度第一學期:
- 導師時間
- 計算機概論(一)
- 基礎圖論
- 112 學年度第二學期:
- 計算機概論(二)
- 導師時間
- 學歷
- 國立交通大學資訊工程 博士 (指導教授:張瑞川博士)
- 國立交通大學應用數學系 碩士 (指導教授:徐力行博士)(組合數學組第一屆)
- 國立交通大學資訊科學 學士 (資訊科學系第一屆)
- 學術專長暨研究領域
- 圖論 (Graph Theory)
- 演算法 (The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms)
- 連接網路及無線網路 (Interconnection Networks, Wireless Networks)
- 學術經歷與榮譽
- 國立交通大學應用數學系副教授
- 國立交通大學應用數學系系主任(2009-2013)
- 國立交通大學傑出教學獎3次
- 交通大學應用數學系薪傳教學獎
- 國立交通大學績優導師
- 近五年研究計劃
圖論在無線可再充電式感測網路之充電板佈署問題之應用 (MOST 110-2115-M-A49-006 -)
圖論中最短漢彌爾頓圈問題及其在無線可再充電式感測網路充電迴路排程問題之應用(MOST 109-2115-M-009-010 -)
最長路徑問題及其在無線感測網路邊界覆蓋之應用上(MOST 108-2115-M-009-013 -)
- 指導研究生
碩士論文: On covering polygons with rectangles
(與張鎮華教授共同指導) -
碩士論文: On partitioning orthogonal polygons into convex quadrilaterals -
碩士論文: Characterizing grid intersection graphs -
碩士論文: On partitioning simple polygons into uniformly monotone parts -
碩士論文: The feedback vertex set problem for various digraphs -
碩士論文: Planar visibility graphs -
C.Y. Chen, C.C. Chang, and G.J. Chang (1997), "Proper interval graphs and the guard problem," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 170, pp. 223-230. -
C.Y. Chen and K.P. Wu (2001), “Disproving a conjecture on planar visibility graphs,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 255, pp. 659-665. -
G.J. Chang, C.Y. Chen, and Y.P. Chen (2004), “Vertex and tree arboricity of graphs,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 8, pp. 295-306. -
碩士論文: Covering simple polygons by rectangles -
碩士論文: Covering convex polygons by rectangles -
碩士論文: Double-loop networks with minimum diameter -
碩士論文: Some experimental results on double-loop networks -
C.Y. Chen, F.K. Hwang, J.S. Lee, and S.J. Shih (2003), “The existence of hyper-L triple loop networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 268, pp. 287-291. -
碩士論文: A fault-tolerant two terminals routing algorithm of double-loop networks
陳沅百獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: The case study of concept learning on graph theory of a junior student
(與陳明璋教授共同指導) -
R.C. Chan, C.Y. Chen, and Z.X. Hong (2002), “A simple algorithm to find the steps of double-loop networks,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 121, pp. 61-72.
C.Y. Chen, C.S. Hung, and W.S. Tang (2006), “On the existence of hyper-L triple-loop networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 306, pp. 1132-1138. -
碩士論文: The study of chordal ring networks -
C.Y. Chen, C.S. Hung, and W.S. Tang (2006), “On the existence of hyper-L triple-loop networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 306, pp. 1132-1138.
C.Y. Chen, J.K. Lan, and W.S. Tang (2006), “An efficient algorithm to find a double-loop network that realizes a given L-shape,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 359, pp. 69-76.
唐文祥獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
V.W. Liu, C.Y. Chen, and R.B. Chen (2007), “Optimal all-to-all personalized exchange in d-nary banyan multistage interconnection networks,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 14, pp. 131-142.
J.K. Lan, V.W. Liu, and C.Y. Chen* (2009), “Improved upper and lower bounds on the optimization of mixed chordal ring networks,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 109, pp. 757-762. -
C.Y. Chen, F.K. Hwang, and J.K. Lan (2005), “Equivalence of buddy networks with arbitrary number of stages,” Networks, Vol. 46, pp. 171-176.
C.Y. Chen, J.K. Lan, and W.S. Tang (2006), “An efficient algorithm to find a double-loop network that realizes a given L-shape,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 359, pp. 69-76.
J.S. Lee, J.K. Lan, and C.Y. Chen (2006), “On degenerate double-loop L-shapes,” Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 195-215. -
碩士論文: A study on line-based duplication and its applications
(與陳明璋教授共同指導) -
K.S. Hu, S.S. Yeoh, C.Y. Chen, and L.H. Hsu (2007), “Node-pancyclicity and edge-pancyclicity of hypercube variants,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 102, pp. 1-7. -
C.Y. Chen and J.K. Luo (2006), “An efficient tag-based routing algorithm for the backward network of a bidirectional general shuffle-exchange network,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 296-298. -
碩士論文: The study of hypercubes and their variants -
V.W. Liu, C.Y. Chen, and R.B. Chen (2007), “Optimal all-to-all personalized exchange in d-nary banyan multistage interconnection networks,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 14, pp. 131-142.
陳柏澍獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: The performance analysis of three routing algorithms of general shuffle-exchange networks -
J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2009), “Efficient routing algorithms for generalized shuffle-exchange networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 267-281.
W.Y. Chou and C.Y. Chen (2010), “All-to-all personalized exchange in generalized shuffle-exchange networks,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 411, pp. 1669-1684.
邱鈺傑獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: On the crosstalk-free rearrangeability of combined optical multistage interconnection networks -
碩士論文: Routing permutations in the baseline network and in the omega network -
碩士論文: The diameter-edge-invariant property of chordal ring networks -
碩士論文: The rigidity property and the unique localization problem of sensor networks -
Y.J. Liu, J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2011), “Constructing independent spanning trees for locally twisted cubes,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, pp. 2237-2252.
劉宜君獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: On the diameter of chordal ring networ -
碩士論文: On the all-to-all personalized exchange problem in chordal ring networks -
J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2009), Efficient routing algorithms for generalized shuffle-exchange networks, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 267-281.
J.K. Lan, V.W. Liu, and C.Y. Chen (2009), Improved upper and lower bounds on the optimization of mixed chordal ring networks, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 109, pp. 757-762.
Y.J. Liu, J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2011), “Constructing independent spanning trees for locally twisted cubes,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, pp. 2237-2252.
博士論文: On distance-related problems of mixed chordal ring networks
藍國元獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the constrained connected dominating set problem in wireless networks
黃思綸獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: A polynomial-time approximation scheme for the minimum-weighted independent dominating set problem in wireless networks
(論文內容曾於第五屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會發表) -
碩士論文: Using a connected dominating set as the virtual backbone of a wireless network -
碩士論文: An efficient self-stabilizing algorithm for the minimal dominating set problem under a distributed scheduler -
碩士論文: On the imperfection ratio of unit disk graphs -
碩士論文: On the study of position-based routing algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks -
碩士論文: Signed star domination and signed star domatic numbers of complete bipartite graphs and an improved algorithm for network planarization -
碩士論文: The comparison of void handling techniques in wireless sensor networks -
碩士論文: New adaptive localization algorithms that achieve better coverage for wireless sensor networks -
碩士論文: A distance-two coloring with applications to wireless sensor and actor networks
趙彥丞獲組合數學新苗論文獎 - 吳惠閔(103畢) 碩士論文: A new binary training protocol for wireless heterogeneous sensor and actor networks
Y.J. Liu, J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2011), “Constructing independent spanning trees for locally twisted cubes,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, pp. 2237-2252.
W.Y. Chiu, C.Y. Chen, S.-Y. Tsai (2014), “A 4n-move self-stabilizing algorithm for the minimal dominating set problem using an unfair distributed daemon,” Information Processing Letters, 114, 515-518.
博士論文: Self-stabilizing minimal dominating set algorithms of distributed systems and the signed star domination number of Cayley graphs -
碩士論文: A new distributed, collaborative, conflict-friendly localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks
姚欣豪獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文:Hole detection and healing in mobile wireless sensor networks
彭元璟獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
S.M. Lo, W.H. Lin, C.Y. Chen, and Y.C. Tseng, Optimal coloring for data collection in tree-based wireless sensor networks, to appear in Theoretical Computer Science. -
碩士論文:Fault-tolerance and minimum cost placement of bistatic radar sensors for belt barrier coverage
張馨勻獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文:New strategies for hole detection and hole healing in wireless sensor networks -
碩士論文: A study of digital teaching material design based on cognitive process: an example of trees in data structure course
(與陳明璋教授共同指導) -
K.T. Chu, W.H. Lin, and C.Y. Chen, Mutual transferability for (F,B,R)-domination on strongly chordal graphs and cactus graphs, to appear in Discrete Applied Mathematics.
褚冠廷獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: New hole-detection and hole-healing algorithms for wireless sensor networks
劉芝帆獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: On Optimizing Signaling Efficiency of Semi-Persistent Scheduling for VoLTE Retransmissions
(與曾煜棋教授共同指導) -
碩士論文: Improve learning effect for autonomous driving by using inception series network and turning determination
(與劉晉良教授共同指導) -
Y.-N. Chen, W.-H. Lin, C.Y. Chen (2020), An effective sensor deployment scheme that ensures multilevel coverage of wireless sensor networks with uncertain properties, Sensors, 20, 1831; doi:10.3390/s20071831.
陳佑寧獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
碩士論文: An accurate car position method using the mapping decision feedback neural network
(與曾煜棋教授共同指導) -
碩士論文: Hole-healing algorithms for wireless sensor networks that admit obstacles -
碩士論文: Multi-vehicle on-demand charging scheduling schemes for wireless rechargeable sensor networks -
碩士論文: An intrusion detection system for Internet of Things based on LSTM networks -
陳昭瑋(109畢、清華大學) (與鄭志豪教授共同指導)
碩士論文:Barrier coverage problems in wireless sensor networks -
碩士論文: Corrected barrier coverage algorithms in wireless sensor networks under probabilistic sensing model
戴嘉辰獲組合數學新苗論文獎 -
C.-A. Hsu, C.H. Tsai, F. Y. Li*, C.Y. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng (2021), Receiver-initiated data collection in wake-up radio enabled mIoT networks: Achieving collision-free transmissions by hashing and partitioning, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, No. 2, 868-883.
碩士論文: On-demand charging scheme for target k-coverage in wireless rechargeable sensor networks -
碩士論文: A 3-hop topology with TSCH scheduling in small and dense WSNs or in-vehicles WSNs -
碩士論文: New algorithms and new analysis for superposed data uploading problem in Internet of Things
陳佳吟獲組合數學新苗論文獎 - 沈垚廷(碩三)
- 林以寧(碩二)、陳芊卉(碩二)
- 高辰維(碩一)、王昱夫(碩一)
- 圖論在連接網路及無線網路上的應用
- L.H. Hsu, C.Y. Chen, and E.Y. Jean (1987), "A class of additive multiplicative graph functions," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 65, pp. 53-63.
- C.Y. Chen and R.C. Chang (1990), "On the minimality of polygon triangulation," Bit, Vol. 30, pp. 570-582.
- C.Y. Chen, C.C. Chang, and G.J. Chang (1997), "Proper interval graphs and the guard problem," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 170, pp. 223-230.
- C.Y. Chen and F.K. Hwang (2000), “Equivalent L-shapes of double-loop networks for the degenerate case,” Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 1, pp. 47-60.
- C.Y. Chen and F.K. Hwang (2000), “Equivalent nondegenerate L-shapes of double-loop networks,” Networks, Vol. 36, pp. 118-125.
- C.Y. Chen and F.K. Hwang (2000), “The minimum distance diagram of double-loop networks,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 49, pp. 977-979.
- F.K. Hwang, M.M. Liao and C.Y. Chen (2000), “Supermodularity in various partition problems,” (SCI) Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 18, pp. 275-282.
- C.Y. Chen and K.P. Wu (2001), “Disproving a conjecture on planar visibility graphs,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 255, pp. 659-665.
- C.Y. Chen (2002), “A necessary condition for a graph to be the visibility graph of a simple polygon,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 276, pp. 417-424.
- R.C. Chan, C.Y. Chen, and Z.X. Hong (2002), “A simple algorithm to find the steps of double-loop networks,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 121, pp. 61-72.
- C.Y. Chen (2003), “Any maximal planar graph with only one separating triangle is Hamiltonian,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 7, pp. 79-86.
- C.Y. Chen, F.K. Hwang, J.S. Lee, and S.J. Shih (2003), “The existence of hyper-L triple loop networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 268, pp. 287-291.
- G.J. Chang, C.Y. Chen, and Y.P. Chen (2004), “Vertex and tree arboricity of graphs,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 8, pp. 295-306.
- C.Y. Chen, F.K. Hwang, and J.K. Lan (2005), “Equivalence of buddy networks with arbitrary number of stages,” Networks, Vol. 46, pp. 171-176.
- C.Y. Chen, C.S. Hung, and W.S. Tang (2006), “On the existence of hyper-L triple-loop networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 306, pp. 1132-1138.
- C.Y. Chen and J.K. Luo (2006), “An efficient tag-based routing algorithm for the backward network of a bidirectional general shuffle-exchange network,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 296-298.
- J.S. Lee, J.K. Lan, and C.Y. Chen (2006), “On degenerate double-loop L-shapes,” Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 195-215.
- C.Y. Chen, J.K. Lan, and W.S. Tang (2006), “An efficient algorithm to find a double-loop network that realizes a given L-shape,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 359, pp. 69-76.
- V.W. Liu, C.Y. Chen, and R.B. Chen (2007), “Optimal all-to-all personalized exchange in d-nary banyan multistage interconnection networks,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 14, pp. 131-142.
- K.S. Hu, S.S. Yeoh, C.Y. Chen, and L.H. Hsu (2007), “Node-pancyclicity and edge-pancyclicity of hypercube variants,” Information Processing Letters, Vol. 102, pp. 1-7.
- J.K. Lan, V.W. Liu, and C.Y. Chen (2009), Improved upper and lower bounds on the optimization of mixed chordal ring networks, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 109, pp. 757-762.
- J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2009), “Efficient routing algorithms for generalized shuffle-exchange networks,” Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 267-281.
- W.Y. Chou and C.Y. Chen (2010), “All-to-all personalized exchange in generalized shuffle-exchange networks,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 411, pp. 1669-1684.
- Y.J. Liu, J.K. Lan, W.Y. Chou, and C.Y. Chen (2011), “Constructing independent spanning trees for locally twisted cubes,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, pp. 2237-2252.
- W.Y. Chiu, C.Y. Chen, S.-Y. Tsai (2014), “A 4n-move self-stabilizing algorithm for the minimal dominating set problem using an unfair distributed daemon,” Information Processing Letters, 114, 515-518.
- S.M. Lo, W.H. Lin, C.Y. Chen, and Y.C. Tseng (2017), “Optimal coloring for data collection in tree-based wireless sensor networks,” Theoretical Computer Science, 700, 23-36.
- K.-T. Chu, W.-H. Lin, and C.Y. Chen (2019), Mutual transferability for (F,B,R)-domination on strongly chordal graphs and cactus graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 259, 41-52.
- Y.-N. Chen, W.-H. Lin, C.Y. Chen (2020), “An effective sensor deployment scheme that ensures multilevel coverage of wireless sensor networks with uncertain properties,” Sensors, 20, 1831; doi:10.3390/s20071831.
- C.-A. Hsu, C.H. Tsai, F. Y. Li, C.Y. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng (2021), “Receiver-initiated data collection in wake-up radio enabled mIoT networks: Achieving collision-free transmissions by hashing and partitioning,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, No. 2, 868-883.
(A) Refereed Papers:
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