莊重(Jonq Juang )特聘教授

- Email: jjuang@nycu.edu.tw
- 電話: 03-513-1208
- 傳真: 03-572-4679
- 地址: 新竹市大學路1001號 陽明交通大學 應用數學系
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- 113 學年度第一學期:
- 微積分甲(一)
- 113 學年度第二學期:
- 微積分甲(二)
- 學歷
- 師範大學數學系學士
- Texas Tech. Univ. 應用數學 碩士
- Texas Tech. Univ. 應用數學 博士
- 學術專長暨研究領域
- 微分方程
- 動態系統
- 學術經歷與榮譽
- Wright State Univ. 數學系 助 理 教 授 (1987/08 - 1989/07)
- 國立交通大學 應用數學系 副 教 授 (1989/08 - 1995/07)
- 國立交通大學 應用數學系 教 授 (1995/08 - )
- 國科會數學推動中心委員 (1995/07 - 1997/07)
- 國科會數學計劃審議委員 (1996/07 - 1998/07)
- 國立交通大學應用數學系主任 (1997/08 - 1999/07)
- 國立交通大學傑出教學獎(2002, 2006, 2010)
- 國立交通大學特聘教授 (2011 - 2014)
- 國立交通大學特聘教授 (2017 - 2020)
- 近五年研究計劃
- 化學連接的腦細胞網路隻群聚同步合其同步空間的動態(103-2115-M-009-008)
- 隨機藕合系統的動態研究, (101-2115-M-009-011-MY2), 經費總額2,622,000元
- 藕合系統的同步理論, NSC-98-2115-M-009-003-MY3, 經費總額5,149,000元
- 指導研究生
- 黃于哲 (博二)
- 黃俊銘 (博四)
- 梁育豪 (2010畢)
- 李金龍 (2007畢,目前任教於國立新竹教育大學)
- 謝世峰 (2001畢,目前任教於國立師範大學)
- 陳禕德 (1991畢)
- 李美姿 (1991畢)
- 林安德 (1993畢)
- 林幸佳 (1993畢)
- 吳國炎 (1995畢)
- 方敏能 (1995畢)
- 徐鈞明 (1996畢)
- 劉家駒 (1996畢)
- 蔡毓玲 (1996畢)
- 蔡清斌 (1996畢)
- 謝世峰 (1997畢)
- 許嘉玲 (1997畢)
- 王志源 (1997畢)
- 林弘家 (1998畢)
- 李恭儀 (1998畢)
- 葉俐君 (1998畢)
- 程孟如 (1999畢)
- 蔡棟良 (1999畢)
- 楊振昌 (1999畢)
- 周文玲 (2000畢)
- 葉尚泰 (2000畢)
- 張秀禎 (2001畢)
- 劉孔驪 (2002畢)
- 林秋容 (2002畢)
- 張天龍 (2002畢)
- 許乙芳 (2002畢)
- 張心眉 (2003畢)
- 王淑敏 (2003畢)
- 鄭雅文 (2004畢)
- 張郁泉 (2004畢)
- 葉盛棠 (2004畢)
- 劉明湟 (2004畢)
- 曾士嘉 (2005畢)
- 許奐勳 (2006畢)
- 張靖尉 (2006畢)
- 黃俊銘 (2007畢)
- 梁育豪 (2007畢)
- 洪千茹 (2008畢)
- 陳怡樺 (2008畢)
- 周芳竹 (2010畢)
- 鄧仁益 (2013畢)
- 吳宛柔 (2013畢)
- 陳囿丞 (2013畢)
- 林辰燁 (2014畢)
- 謝瑞洸 (2015畢)
- 黃于哲 (2015畢)
- 李世韡 (2015畢)
- Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear integrodifferential initial-value problem arising in transport theory (with P. Nelson), Nonlinear Anal., TMA, Vol. 11, No. 12, 1351-1369 (1987).
- Degenerate Riccati equations with unbounded coefficients arising in transport theory, 10(3&4), 305-321 (1989).
- Abstract Riccati equations in an L' space of finite measure and applications to transport theory (with P. Nelson) Math. Methods Appli. Scien., Vol. 12, 56-67 (1990).
- Global existence theorem for Riccati equations arising in transport theory (with P. Nelson), J. Math. Anal. Appli. 166, 103-111 (1992).
- Convergence of an iterative technique for algebraic matrix Riccati equations and applications to transport theory (with Z. C. Lin), Trans. Th. Stat. Phys. 21, 87-100 (1992).
- Iterative solution for a certain class of algebraic matrix Riccati equations and applications to transport theory (with I. Chen), Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 21, 65-80 (1993).
- Comparison theorems for matrix Riccati equation (with M. T. Lee), Linear Algeb. Appli., 196, 183-191 (1994).
- Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic for the reflection kernel of an angularly shifted transport equation (with C. Lin and P. Nelson), Math. Models Meth. Appli. Scien., Vol. 5, No. 2. 239-251 (1995).
- On coupled H-Like equations of Chandrasekhar, SIAM Math. Analysis, Vol. 24, No. 3, 869-879 (1995).
- Existence for algebraic matrix Riccati equations arising in transport theory, Linear Algeb. Appli., 230, 89-100 (1995).
- Convergence rates for iterative solutions of algebraic matrix Riccati equations (with P. Nelson), Appli. Math. Comp., Vol. 72, 125-142 (1995).
- Convergence acceleration for the reflection matrix in a nonmultiplying half-space, Trans. Th. Stat. Phys., 25(7), 799-810 (1996).
- Charge oscillations in coupled quantum wells (with C. Juang and C. B. Tsai), IEE Proc. Of Optoelectrionics, Vol. 144, No. 2, 120-123 (1996).
- Existence for a matrix equation arising in microelectronics, Proc. A.M.S., Vol. 124, No. 11, 3477-3480 (1996).
- Controlling chaotic behavior of heavy to light hole mixing tunneling by external electronic fields (with C. Juang and J. Y. Wang), IEEE Journal Quant. Electron., Vol. 33, No. 8, 1345-1349 (1997).
- Chaotic behavior of hole mixing tunneling in asymmetric coupled quantum wells (with C. Juang and C. B. Tsai), Solid State Comm., Vol. 101, No. 8, 581-584 (1997).
- Nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations and Hamiltonian-link matrices (with W. W. Lin), SIAM, Matrix Anal. &Appli., Vol. 120, No. 1, 228-243 (1998).
- Nonlinear dynamics of self-pulsating laser diodes under external drive (with C. Juang etc.), Optical Letter., Vol. 24, 1346-1348 (1999).
- Multiple tunneling and chaos in asymmetric coupled quantum wells, Japanese J. Applied Physics., Vol. 28, 6222-6225 (1999).
- Cellular neural networks: mosaic patterns and spatial chaos (with S. S. Lin), SIAM, Appli. Math., Vol. 60, No. 3, 891-915 (2000).
- A synchronization scheme using self-pulsating laser diodes in optical chaotic communications (with C. Juang etc.), IEEE JQE, Vol. 36, No. 3, 300-304 (Mar 2000).
- Optical chaotic AM demodulation by asymptotic synchronization (with C. Juang etc.), IEEE photon. Tech. Lett., Vol. 12, No.2, 179-181 (Feb 2000).
- Cellular neural networks: local patterns for general template, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos (with C. S. Hsu and S. S. Lin), Vol. 10, No. 7, 1645-1659 (2000).
- Two dimensional spatial entropy (with S. S. Lin, W. W. Lin and S. F. Shieh), Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 12, 2845-2852 (2000).
- Unbounded growth of total variations of snapshots of the 10 linear wave equation due to the chaotic behavior of iterates of composite nonlinear boundary reflection relations, to appear in "Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems", Marcel Dekker Lectures Notes on Pure &Appli. Math., N. Y. 2000.
- Huang Chen, and J. Juang, “Unbounded growth of total variations of snapshots of 1D linear wave equation due to the chaotic behavior of the iterates of composite nonlinear boundary reflection relations”, Contol of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems (College Station, TX, 1999), 15 - 43, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 128,, Dekker, New York. (2001) (SCI)
- W. C. Wang, T. M. Hwang, C. Juang, J. Juang, C. Y. Liu, W. W. Lin, “Chaotic behaviors of bistable laser diodes and its application in synchronization of optical communication”, Japanese J. Applied Physics Part1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, 40 (10): 5914-5919 Oct. (2001). (SCI)
- C. Juang, J. Juang etc. “FM detection from a chaotic carrier”, Japanese J. Applied Physics, Vol. 40, 4549-4551 (2001). (SCI)
- C. Juang, J. Juang etc. “Optoelectronics delay feed back in quantum well laser diode”, Optical Conm. Vol. 192, 77-81 (2001). (SCI)
- J. Juang*, “Global existence and stability analysis of solutions of matrix Riccati equations”, Jour. Math. Anal. Appli. Vol. 258, 1-12 (2001). (SCI)
- J. Juang* and S. F. Shieh, “Eigenvalue problems for one-dimensional discrete Schrodinger operators with various boundary conditions”, SIAM Matrix Anal. Appli. no23, 524-533, 23 (2001). (SCI)
- J. Juang* and S. F. Shieh, L. Turyn, “Cellular Neural Networks: Space-Dependent Template, Mosaic Patterns and Spatial Chaos”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 12, no.8, 1717-1730, 12 (2002). (SCI)
- J. Juang, Lin and Lin, “Spectral analysis of some iterations in the Chandrasekhar’s H-functions”, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. Vol. 24, No. 5&6, 575-586. (2003) (SCI)
- C. Juang, Huang, Liu, Wang, Hwang, J. Juang and Lin, “Subcarrier multiplexing by chaotic multitone modulation”, IEEE JQE, Vol. 39, No. 10, 1321-1326.( 2003) (SCI)
- Chang and J. Juang, 2004: Piecewise two-dimensioanl map and applications to cellular neural networks, Int. J. Bifur. & Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 7, 2223-2228. (SCI: 1.171)
- J. Juang and S.F. Shieh, On the Spatral Entropy of Two-Dimensional Golden Mean, Int. J. Bifur & Chaos, Vol.14, No.1(2004) 309-319.
- J. Juang, Li and Liu, Cellular neural networks: mosaic patterns, bifurcation and complexity, Int. J. Bifur. &Chaos, Vol. 16, No.1 (2006) 47-57. (SCI: 1.171)
- J. Juang and C.-L. Li, Eigen value problems and application to the wavelet method of chaotic control, J. Math. Phys., 47 072704, 2006. (SCI)
- J. Juang and C.-L. Li, Eigen curve problems and application to the wavelet method of chaotic control, J. Math. Phys., 47 122702 , 2006. (SCI)
- W. Chang, J. Juang*, and C.-L. Li, “Snap-back repellers and chaotic traveling waves in one-dimensional cellular neural networks”, Inter. J. Bifur. & Chaos, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1969-1983 (2007). (SCI: 0.866)
- J. Juang*, C.-L. Li, and Y. H. Liang, “Global synchronization in lattices of coupled chaotic systems”, Chaos 17, 033111 (2007). (SCI: 1.926)
- J. Juang* and S.-F. Shieh, “Piecewise linear maps, Liapunov exponents and entropy”, J. Math. Anal. Appli. Volume 338, Issue 1, 1 February 2008, Pages 358-364. (SCI: 0.758)
- J. Juang and S. F. Shieh, On the Total Variation, Topological Entropy and Sensitivity for Interval Maps, J. Math. Anal. Appli., Volume 341, Issue 2, 15 May 2008, Pages 1055-1067.
- J. Juang, M.-C. Li and M. Malkin, Chaotic difference equations in two variables and their multidimensional perturbations, Nonlinearity, 21(2008), 1019-1040.
- J. Juang & Y.–H. Liang, Synchronous Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices with General Connectivity Topology, SIAM Appl. Dynan. Syst., 7 (2008), no. 3, 755--765.
- Y.-C. Chang and J. Juang, Stable Synchrong In Globally-Coupled Integrate-And-Fire Oscillators, SIAM Appl. Dynam. Systems. Vol. 7, issue 4, PP. 1445-1476.
- C. Juang, C.-L. Li, Y.-H. Liang and J. Juang, Wavelet Transform Method for Coupled Map Lattices, IEEE Transactions on CAS I, Vol. 56, No. 4, PP. 840-845, April (2009).
- J. Juang and Y.-H. Liang, Coordinate Transformation and Matrix Measure Approach for Synchronization of Complex Networks, Chaos 19, 033131 (2009) (13 pages), 2009.
- Y.-C. Chang and J. Juang*, Boundary influence on the entropy of a Lozi-type map, J. Math. Analy. Appl., 371 (2010) 728-740.
- T. Li, E. K.-W. Chu, J. Juang, W.-W. Lin, Solution of a nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation from 2 two-dimensional tansport model, LAA, 2011, 434(1), PP. 201-214.
- E. K.-W. Chu, J. Juang, T. Li, W.-W. Lin, Solution of a nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation from a one-dimensional multi-state transport model, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, frist published on line May, 2011.
- J. Juang and C. -L. Li, The theory of wavelet transform method on chaotic synchronization of coupled map lattices, J. Math. Phy., 52, 012701(2011)
- F.-J. Jhou, J. Juang and Y.-H. Liang, Multi-state and multi-state synchronization of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons with chemical and electrical synapses, IEEE Transactions on CAS-I: Regular paper, Vol. 59, No.6, 1355-1349, 2012.
- J.Juang and C. -L. Li, The wavelet transform method applied to a coupled chaotic system with asymmetric coupliny schemes, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26 (2013) 984-990.
- J. Juang and Y-H Liang, Cluster synchronzation in Networks of Neurons with Chemical Synapses, Chaos, 2014, 24(1): 013110.
- C.M.Huang and J.Juang, On a Piecewise-Smath Map Arising in Ecology, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application. vol. 418, issue 2, P.753-765 , 2014.
- Y.-H Liang and J. Juang The Impact of Vaccine Failure Rate on Epidemic Dynamics in Responsive Networks, Chaos, 2015., 25(4):043116
- J. Juang and Y-H Liang, Analysis of a General SIS Model with Infective Vectors on Complex Networks, Physica A, 437(2015)382-395.
- C. M. Huang and J. Juang, Bifurcation and Chaos in Synchronous Manifold of a Forest Model, Int. J. Bifuncation Chaos 25, 1550157 (2015)
- Y-H Liang, W-R Wu, J.Juang, Fastest synchronized network and synchorny on the Julia Set of Complex- Valuned Coupled Map Lattices, Discrete and Contin. Dyn. Syst -Ser.B 21(2016).
- J. Juang and Y.-H. Liang, The Impact of Vaccine Success and Awareness on Epidemic Dynamics, Chaos 26, 113105(2016).
- J. Juang and Y.-H. Liang, Avoiding Collisions in Cucker-Small Flocking Models under Group-Hierarchical Leadership, SIAM Appl. Math., 2018, Vol.78, N.1 pp.531-550.
- Y. J. Huang, J. Juang and Y. -H. Liang, Global Stability for Epidemic Models on Multiplex Networks, J. Math.Biology, 2018, 76(6): 1339-1356.
- J. Rodriguez, Y.-H. Liang, Y.- J. Huang, J. Juang, Diversity of Hysteresis in a Fully Cooperatine Confection Model, Chaos, 28,023107 (2018).
- Y.-J. Huang, Z.-F. Huang, J. Juang, Flocking of Non-Idencial Cucker-Smale Models On General Coupling Networks, Discret. Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2021/02
- Y.-J. Huang, H. T. Huang, J. Juang*, C.-H. Wu, Multistability of a Two-Dimensional Map Arising in an Influenza Model, J. Nonlinear Sci., Volume 32, issue 1, 32:15(2022).
- Y.-J. Huang, A. T. Hsiao, J. Juang*, Incroporating Economics Constraints for Optimal Control of Immunizing Infections, Chaos, 32, 053101 2022.
- Y. J. Huang, J. Juang, T-Y. Kuo, Y. H. Liang, Forward-Backward and Period Doubling Bifurcations in a Discrete Epidemic Model With Vaccination and Limited Medical Resources, J.Math. Biology, Vol. 86, 77 (2023)
J. Juang and Y-H. Liang, Epidemic models in well-mixed multiple networks with distributed time delay, Applied Math. Comput, 474(2024)128682
(A) Refereed Papers:
- Cellular neural networks: defect patterns and spatial chaos, preprint.
(C) Others: