邵錦昌(Jiin-Chang Shaw)教授
- Email: shaw@math.nctu.edu.tw
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- 成功大學物理系學士
- 紐約州立大學石溪分部物理系博士
- 學術專長暨研究領域
- 孤立子理論
- 數學物理
- 學術經歷與榮譽
國立交通大學數學系教授(1974/08 - )
- 近五年研究計劃
K-Dv方程式及KP層系具有相當多的性質,其中我們較有興趣的是解的找尋及它們的hamiltonian的結構。找解的方法有好幾種,我們所採用的則是所謂的Backlund-Darboux轉換。這個方法的好處是它基本上是代數式的,計算上較為直接,能夠很快的由已知解去得到新的解。我們將這個方法用在兩種變化的KP層系上---一種是Constraint KP,另一種則是Manin-Radul K-Dv.對於這兩種方程式系統,我們都得到了Wronskian解及Binary解,這是所能明顯寫下的最一般解。尤其對於Manin-Radul K-Dv方程式而言,它是一種超對稱的推廣,因此在結構上面遠較普通K-Dv方程式複雜,我們很高興原來在非超對稱時所使用的技巧,在超對稱的情況下也能奏效。
我們證明了 Miura 轉換可以將非標準型的 bi-hamiltonian 結構轉換成標準型的 bi-hamiltonian,即它們具有canonical的性質。利用這個為基礎我們建立了constrained KP及modified constrained KP間的Miura轉換。我們則討論了四類的超對稱K-Dv方程式系統間的Miura轉換。我們又利用Miura轉換求得constrained modified KP的Kupershmidt-Wilson定理以及利用第二hamiltonian結構求出multi-constrained KP的confomal algebras。
- Ling-Lie Chau, J.C.Shaw and H.C. Yen, "N-soliton-type Solutions of SU(2) Self-duality Yang-Mills Equations in Various Spaces and their Backlund Transformations", J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.27,7131-7138(1994).
- Wen-Jui Huang, J.C.Shaw and H.C. Yen "Classical N=2 W-Superalgebras from Superpseudodifferential Operators" J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.28, p.165,(1995).
- Wen-Jui Huang, J.C.Shaw and H.C.Yen "Classical Extended Confornal Algebras Associated with Constrained KP Hierarchy" J.Math. Phys.36(6) p.2959,(1995) .
- L.L. Chau, M.L. Ge, J.C.Shaw and H.C.Yen "A Unified Derivation of Backlund Transformations for Integrable Nonlinear Equations" Chinese. J. of Physics,Vol.34,No.5, p.1191,(1996).
- M.H.Tu, J.C.Shaw and H.C.Yen "A note on Integrability in Matrix Models" Chinese J. of Physics, Vol.34, No.5, p.1211,(1996).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "Canonical Miura Maps Between the Modified KP and KP Hierarchies" J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.,30, p.4825-4833,(1997).
- L.L. Chau, J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "Solving the Constrained KP Hierarchy by Gauge Transformations" J. Math. Phys.38, p.4128-4137(1997).
- J.C. Shaw and M.H. Tu "Miura and Auto- Backlund Transformations for the CKP and CMKP Hierarchy" J.Math. Phys.38, p.5756-5773(1997).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "The Constrained Modified KP Hierarchy and the Generalized Miura Transformations" J.Phys. A:Math.Gen. 30, p. L725-L731,(1997).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H.Tu "Nonlocal Extended Conformal Algebras Associated with Multi-Constained KP Hierarchy and their Free-Field Realizations" Int.J.Math.Phys.A Vol.13, No.16, 2723-2737(1998).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "The Algebraic Structure Hidden behind the Coupled Kaup-Broer Hierarchy" J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.31,4319-4328(1998).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H.TU "Binary Darboux-Backlund Transtromations for the Manin-Radul Super KdV Hierarchy" J.Math.Phys.,39,4773-4784(1998).
- J.C. Shaw and M.H. Tu "A Note on the Gauge Equivalence of the Manin-Radul and Laberge- Mathieu Super KdV Hierarchies" J. Phys.A:Math.Gen.31,4805-4810(1998).
- W.J. Huang,J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "Matrix Formulation to the Second Hamiltonian Structure of the Multi- Constrained KP Hierarchy" J.Math.Phys.,39,3738-3753(1998).
- M.H.Tu and J.C.Shaw "Virasoro Constraints in Matrix Models at Finite N" unpublished.
- J.C.Shaw and M.H.Tu "Canonical Gauge Equivalences of the sAKNS and sTB Hierarchies" J.Phys.A 31,6517-6523(1998).
- J.C.Shaw and M.H. Tu "On the Miura and Backlund Transtromations Associated with the Supersymmetric Gelfand-Dickey Bracket" Mod.Phys.Lett.A 12,979-986(1998).
- M.H.Tu , J.C.Shaw and C.R.Lee "On the Darboux-Backlund Transformations for the q-Defomed Korteweg-de Vries Hierarchy" Letters in Math. Phys.49,33-45(1999).
- M.H.Tu and J.C.Shaw "Hamiltonian Structures of Generalized Manin-Radul Super KdV and Constrained Super KP Hierarchies" J.Math.Phys.,40,3021-3034(1999).
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