Professor C. K. Lin
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- Fall Semester, 2024:
- Spring Semester, 2024:
- Vector Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Education
- [Ph.D.] University of Arizona, USA, 1992.
- [M.S.] National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1986.
- [B.A.] National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1983.
- Research Areas
- Partial Differential Equation
- Mathematical Physics
- Nonlinear analysis
- Positions, Honors and Awards
[2006-present] National Chiao Tung University, Professor. [2009/Sep.-2009/Dec.] University of Alberta, Canada, Visiting Professor. [2005- ] National Cheng Kung University, Distinguish Professor. [2004-2005] University of Alberta, Canada, Visiting Professor. [2001-2004] National Cheng Kung University, Chairman. [2000, Dec. 10-Dec.22] Erwin-Schrodinger Institute, Vienna Austria, Visiting Professor. [1999-2006 National Cheng Kung University, Professor. [1998-1999] Fields Institute, Canada, Visiting Scholar. [1994-1995] National Chung Cheng University, Associate Professor. [1992-1999] National Cheng Kung University, Associate Professor. [1988-1992] University of Arizona, Teaching Assistant. [1986-1988] Chinese Military Academy, Teaching Instructor. [1983-1986] National Taiwan University, Teaching Assistant. International Journal of Partial Differential Equations (associated editor) Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechancis Applicable Analysis Applied Mathematics Letters Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations Communications in Partial Differential Equations Computers and Mathematics with Applications Journal of Differential Equations Journal of European Mathematical Society Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics Mathematical and Computer Modelling Methods and Applications of Analysis
- Recent Research Projects
- Klein-Gordon equation with electromagnetic field (101-2115-M-009-008-MY2)
- Singular Limits of the Relativistic Wave Equation (98-2115-M-009-004-MY3)
- Interaction of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with the dispersive equation (NSC 95-2115-M-009-019-MY3)
- Study of the nonlinear waves (2/2)( NSC 94-2115-M-006-003-)
- Study of the nonlinear waves (1/2)( NSC 93-2115-M-006-011- )
- Long wave short wave interaction equation (2/2)( NSC 92-2115-M-006-004- )
- Long wave short wave interaction equation (1/2)( NSC 91-2115-M-006-015- )
Selected Publications
- C. C. Chang and C. K. Lin, On Solution of Equations of Mixed Type and Application, Chinese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 14, 197—218, (1986).
- C. K. Lin, On the Hydrodynamical Analogue of the Nonlinear Schr"odinger equation, Journal of National Cheng Kung University, Vol. 28, 1—7, (1993).
- C. K. Lin, Compressible and Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, Journal of National Cheng Kung University, Vol. 29, 77—82, (1994).
- C. K. Lin, On the Incompressible Limit of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations, Comm. in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 20, 677—707, (1995).
- C. K. Lin, Dissipation Limit of the Navier-Stokes Equations, Proceedings of the National Science Council, R.O. C., Part A : Physical Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, 105—112, (1997).
- C. K. Lin, On the Fluid-Dynamical Analogue of the General Nonlinear Schr"odinger equation, Southeast Asia Bulletin of Mathematics,Vol. 22, 45—56, (1998).
- C. K. Lin, Remark on the Singularity of the Nonlinear Schr"odinger equation: Hydrodynamical Approach, Southeast Asia Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol. 22, 161—170, (1998).
- B. Desjardins and C. K. Lin, A Survey of the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equation, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, 123—137, (1999).
- B. Desjardins, C. K. Lin and T. C. Tso, Semiclassical Limit of the General Derivative Nonlinear Schr"odinger equation, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.10, 261—285, (2000). (Impact factor 1.671)
- I. Gasser, C. K. Lin and P. Markowich, A Review of Dispersive Limits of (Non)Linea Schr"odinger-Type Equations, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.4, 501—529, (2000). (Impact factor 0.444)
- C. K. Lin, Potential Flow for the Compressible Viscous Fluid and its Incompressible Limit, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol.49, 1539—1561, (2000). (Impact factor 0.866)
- J. S. Jiang and C. K. Lin, Homogenization of the Dirac-like System, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, 433—458, (2001). (Impact factor 1.671)
- B. Desjardins and C. K. Lin, On the Semiclassical Limit of the General Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 260, 546—571, (2001). (Impact factor 0.872)
- C. Y. Lan and C. K. Lin, Renormalization of the KdV-Burgers and Kuramoto Sivashinsky Equations, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Vol. 9, 249—272, (2001).
- C. Y. Lan and C. K. Lin, Renormalization in Dispersive and Dissipative Equation, Applied Math. Letter, Vol. 15, 71—75, (2002). (Impact factor 0.699)
- J. H. Lee and C. K. Lin, The behavior of solutions of NLS equation of derivative type in the semiclassical limit, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 13, 1475—1492, (2002). (Impact factor 3.025)
- D. Bresch, B. Desjardins, E. Grenier and C. K. Lin, Low Mach number limit of viscous polytropic flows; Formal Asymptotics in the periodic case, Studies in Appl. Math., Vol. 109, 125—149, (2002) (Impact factor 1.194)
- D. Bresch, B. Desjardins and C. K. Lin, On some compressible fluid models: Korteweg, lubrication and shallow water systems, Comm. in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 28, 843—868, (2003). (Impact factor 1.041)
- J. S. Jiang and C. K. Lin, Homogenization of Second Order Differential Equations, Communication in Applied Analysis, Vol. 7, 225—240, (2003).
- H. L. Li and C. K. Lin, Semiclassical limit and well-posedness of Schrodinger-Poisson and quantum hydrodynamics, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2003, 1—17, (2003).
- J. H. Lee, C. K. Lin and O. K. Pashaev, Shock waves, chiral solitons and semiclassical limit of one-dimensional anyons, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 19, 109—128, (2004). (Impact factor 3.025)
- C. Y. Lan and C. K. Lin, Asymptotic behavior of the compressible viscous potential fluid: renormalization group approach, Discrete and Continue Dynamical System, Vol. 11, 161—188, (2004). (Impact factor 0.83)
- J. S. Jiang, K. H. Kuo and C. K. Lin, Homogenization of second order equation with spatial dependent coefficient, Discrete and Continue Dynamical System, Vol. 12, 303—313, (2005). (Impact factor 0.83)
- H. L. Li and C. K. Lin, Zero Debye length asymptotic of the quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors, Communications in Math. Physics, Vol. 256, 195—212, (2005). (Impact factor 2.07)
- J. S. Jiang, K. H. Kuo and C. K. Lin, On the homogenization of second order differential equation, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9, 215—236, (2005). (Impact factor 0.444)
- D. Bresch, M. Gisclon and C. K. Lin, An example of law Mach (Froude) number effects for compressible flows with nonconstant density limit, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 39, 477—486, (2005) . (Impact factor 0.758)
- [27] J. S. Jiang, K. H. Kuo and C. K. Lin, Homogenization and memory effect of a 3 by 3 system, J. Math. Kyoto University, Vol. 45, 429—447, (2005). (Impact factor 0.272)
- C. K. Lin and Y. S. Wong, Zero-dispersion limit of the short wave-long wave interaction equations, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 228, 87—110 (2006). (Impact factor 1.097)
- J. S. Jiang, C. K. Lin and C. H. Liu, Homogenization and memory effect of the Maxwell system, Discrete and Continue Dynamical System B, Vol. 10, 91—107, (2008). (Impact factor 0.881)
- Q. Chang, Y. S. Wong and C. K. Lin, Numerical computations for the long-wave short wave interaction equations in the semiclassical limit, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 227, 8489—8507 (2008). (Impact factor 2.372)
- M. Mei, C. K. Lin, C. T. Lin and Joseph W-H So, Traveling wave fronts for time-delayed reaction-diffusion equation: (I) Local nonlinearity, Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 247, 495—510 (2009) (Impact factor 1.349)
- M. Mei, C. K. Lin, C. T. Lin and Joseph W-H So, Traveling wave fronts for time-delayed reaction-diffusion equation: (II) Nonlocal nonlinearity, Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 247, 511—529 (2009). (Impact factor 1.349)
- C. K. Lin and M. Mei, On travelling wavefronts of the Nicholson's blowflies equation with diffusion, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 140(A), 135—152 (2010). (Impact factor 0.944)
- C. K. Lin and K. C. Wu, Singular limits of the Klein-Gordon equation, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 197, 689—711 (2010). (Impact factor 2.628)
- C. K. Lin and K. C. Wu, A survey of the singular limits of the Klein-Gordon equation, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B18 (2010) 75—98.
- C. K. Lin, Chi-Tien Lin and Ming Mei, Asymptotic behavior of solution to nonlinear damped p-system with boundary effect, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling –Series B, 1, 70—92 (2010).
- S. Kawashima, C. K. Lin and J. Segata, The initial value problem for some hyperbolic dispersive system, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 35 (2011) 125—133. (Impact factor 0.808)
- C. K. Lin, Y. S. Wong and K. C. Wu, Quasineutral of the Schrodinger-Poisson system in Coulomb gauge, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 18 (2011), 465—498.
- J. S. Jiang and C. K. Lin, Guiding Center Drift induced by Homogenization, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 22, No.5, (2012) 1150027 (20 pages). (Impact factor 1.953)
- C. K. Lin and K. C. Wu, On the fluid approximation to the Klein-Gordon equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 32, 2233—2251 (2012). (Impact factor 0.986)
- C. K. Lin and K. C. Wu, Hydrodynamics limits of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, J. Math. Pures Appl., 98(2012), 328—345. (Impact factor 1.788)
- C. K. Lin, C. T. Lin, Y. P. Lin and M. Mei, Exponential Satbility of Non-monotone Traveling wave Nicholson’s Blowflies Equation, (submitted, 2012)
- C. K. Lin and K. C. Wu, Anelastic approximation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for general data, (submitted, 2012)
- D. Bresch, B. Desjardins and C. K. Lin, Semiclassical limit of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, in preparation.
- J. S. Jiang and C. K. Lin, Homogenization and memory effect of the Vlasov-Poisson system, submitted (2010).
- H. L. Li and C. K. Lin, High friction limit of nonlinear Schrodinger-Langevin equation.
- H. L. Li and C. K. Lin and N. Masmoudi, Zero Debye length limit of the nonisentropic Euler-Poisson system for general initial data, submitted.
(A) Refereed Papers:
- C. K. Lin, Hamiltonian Formalism in Hydrodynamics with a Free Surface, Proceeding of 28th Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 153—161, (1992).
- C. K. Lin, and Jiann-Sheng Jiang, Nonlocal Effects Induced by Homogenization of Second Order Differential Equation, Proceedings of IMC'94, 120—136, World Scientific at Singapore, (1995).
- C. K. Lin, Memory Effects Induced by Homogenization of Second Order Differential Equation, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (III), 165—178, (1995).
- C. K. Lin, On the Incompressible Limit of the Slightly Compressible Viscous Fluid Flows, In NONLINEAR WAVES, Proceedings of the 4th Mathematical Society of Japan International Research Institute Vol II, Hokkaito University, (eds. R. Agemi, Y. Giga and T. Ozawa, GAKUTO International Series, Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 267—272, (1996).
- C. K. Lin, The Singularity of the Nonlinear Schr"odinger equation: Hydrodynamical Approach, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (IV), 77—90, (1996).
- O. K. Pashaev, J.-H. Lee and C. K. Lin, Dissipative and Envolope Solitons: Equivalent Relations, Preprint. MIAS 98-2, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei (1998).
- B. Desjardins, E. Grenier and C. K. Lin, Low Mach number limit of Viscous Polytropic Flows in Bounded Domain, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (VIII), 327—338, (2000).
- J. H. Lee, C. K. Lin, and O. K. Pashaev, Equivalent relation and bilinear representation for derivative nonlinear Schroedinger type equation, in: Proceeding of workshop on nonlinearity, integrability and all that: Twenty years after NEEDS'79, M. Boiti, L. Martina, F. Pempinelli B. Prinari and G. Soliani, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 2000, pp. 175—181.
- C. K. Lin, Singular limit of the modified nonlinear Schroedinger equation. In: Nonlinear dynamics and renormalization group}(Montreal, QC, 1999); Sigal, I.M.; Sulem, C., Eds.; Amer. Math. Soc.,Providence, RI, 2001; CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, 27, 97—109.
- H. L. Li and C. K. Lin, Semiclassical limit and well-posedness of Schroedinger-Poisson and quantum hydrodynamics, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (X), 107—118, (2002).
- D. Bresch, B. Desjardins and C. K. Lin, On some compressible fluid models, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (XI), 137—146, (2003).
- H. L. Li, C. K. Lin and N. Masmoudi, Incompressible limit of the compressible Euler-Poisson system for general initial data, Proceedings of the 5th Sino-Philippine Symposium in Mathematics, 71—79, (2003).
- J. S. Jiang, K. H. Kuo and C. K. Lin, Homogenization of a second order differential equation, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (XII), 69—81, (2004).
- C. K. Lin and K.C. Wu, Fundamental solution of the Laplace equation (dimensional analysis viewpoint), Proceedings of the 7th Taiwan-Philippine Symposium in Mathematics, 94—102 (2007).
- C. K. Lin and K.C. Wu, Dispersive Limits of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation, HYP2010 Proceedings (2011).
(B) Conference Papers:
- 林琦焜;孤立子(soliton) 淺談,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 71, p. 37—43 (1994)。
- 林琦焜;線性代數的基本定理,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 74, p. 47—54 (1995)。
- 林琦焜;凸函數, Jensen不等式與Legendre變換,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 76, p. 51—57 (1995)。
- 林琦焜;Riemann-Lebesgue引理與弱收斂,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 81, p. 17—28 (1997)。
- 林琦焜;Green定理與應用,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 84, p. 25—41 (1997)。
- 林琦焜;從等比級數談起,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 86, p. 42—53 (1998)。
- 林琦焜;Weierstrass逼近定理,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 87, p. 11—25 (1998)。
- 林琦焜;Cauchy-Schwarz 不等式之本質與意義,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 93, p. 26—42 (2000)。
- 林琦焜;數,十進位與Cantor集,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 96, p. 76—86 (2000)。
- 林琦焜;從Cantor集到碎形,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 97, p. 3—14 (2001)。
- 林琦焜;Euler(1707-1783)-數學的莎士比亞,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 102, p. 39—51, (2002)。
- 林琦焜;從三角求和公式到Fourier級數,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),
- Vol. 103, p. 11—29, (2002) 。
- 林琦焜;單擺運動,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 106, p. 32—43, (2003) 。
- 林琦焜;棣美弗定理與Euler公式,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所), Vol. 108, p. 3—23, (2003) 。
- 林琦焜;談加減消去法,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 109, p. 38—52, (2004)。
- 林琦焜;實數系的建構,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 130, p. 14—26 (2009)。
- 林琦焜;從量綱看世界,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 131, p. 13—27 (2009)。
- 林琦焜;最小作用量原理,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所),Vol. 137, p. 15—28 (2010)。
- 林琦焜;數學的詩篇—Fourier分析,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所), Vol. 139, p. 11—21 (2011) 。
- 林琦焜;關於Euler級數的幾個看法,數學傳播(中央研究院數學所) , Vol. 141, p. 16—36 (2012)。
- C. K. Lin, Y. F. Fang and J. N. Wang, Proceedings of The Workshop on Differential Equations (IX), Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, (2001).
- Chong-Hong Chen, Yuen Fong, Kung-Hwang Kuo and C. K. Lin, Calculus, (in Chinese) National Cheng Kung University Press, (2002).
- Chong-Hong Chen, Yuen Fong, Kung-Hwang Kuo, C. K. Lin and Long-Shung Shiao, Calculus, 2nd edition (in Chinese) National Cheng Kung University Press, (2003).
- C. K. Lin, Riesz 位勢與Sobolev不等式, National Center for Theoretical Science (South) (2005).
- 林琦焜 , 向量分析, 滄海書局 , 共432頁 (2007).
- 林琦焜 , Riesz位勢與Sobolev不等式, 交通大學出版社 共177頁 (2008).
- 林琦焜 , 傅立葉分析與應用, 滄海書局 , 共569頁 (2010).
- 林琦焜 , 非線性偏微分方程, 交通大學出版社 共303頁 (2013).
(C) Others:
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