1. Directed triple system having a prescribed number of triples in common, Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 14, No. 1, 1983, 85-90.
2. A heterogeneous quadruple system of order 14×2n, Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 15, No. 1, 1984, 103-114.
3. On the constructions and applications of two 1-factorizations with prescribed intersections, Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 16, No. 3, 1985, 117-124.
4. On latin (n×n×(n-2))-parallelepipeds, Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 17, No. 1, 1986, 107-111.
5. On the bipartite orthogonal latin square graph, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 54, 1986, 169-172.
6. Steiner quadruple systems of order 4v with prescribed intersections, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 21, 1986, 89-103.
7. Steiner quadruple systems with a spanning block design, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 60, 1987, 145-150.
8. A note on the block intersection problem of Steiner quadruple systems of order u×v, Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 18, No. 2, 1987, 59-63.
9. Intersection problem of Steiner systems S(3,4,2v), Discrete Math., Vol. 67, No. 3, 1987, 241-247.
10. On latin cubes with prescribed intersections,Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 23, 1987, 171-176.
11. Some results on ascending subgraph decomposition, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1988, 341-345.
12. More results on the orthogonal latin square graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 27(1989), 143-148.
13. The intersections of three distinct latin squares (with Chin-Mei Fu), LE MATHEMATICHE, Vol. XLIV 1989-Fasc. I, 21-46.
14. Partition a graph into ascending subgraphs (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Utilitas Mathematica, 36(1989), 97-105.
15. The mutual intersection of three distinct 1-factorizations (with Chin-Mei Fu),Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 28, 1989, 55-64.
16. On the intersections of latin squares with holes (with Chin-Mei Fu), Utilitas Mathematica, 35(1989), 67-74.
17. On the existence of whim domino squares (with Chin-Lin Shiue), J. of Combin. Math. and Comb. Comp., 7, 1990, 171-175.
18. More results on the intersections of latin squares, J. of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1990, 525-535.
19. On the information rate of McEliece's public-key cryptosystem (with Mao-Chao Lin and Teh-Chin Chang),Electronics Letters, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1990, 16-18.
20. Maximal configurations of stars (with Kuo-Ching Huang and Chin-Lin Shiue), J. of Combin. Math. and Comb. Comp., 8, 1990, 51-59.
21. Some results on disjoint Steiner quadruple systems (with Chin-Mei Fu), Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 21, No. 4, 1990, 345-349.
22. The intersection problem of latin squares (with Chin-Mei Fu), J. of Combin. Information and System Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1990, 89-95.
23. New results on graceful graphs (with Shung-Liang Wu), J. of Combin. Information and System Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1990, 170-177.
24. A note on the ascending subgraph decomposition, Discrete Math., 84(1990), 315-318.
25. Decomposing graphs into forest of paths with length less than three (with Bor-Liang Chen and Kuo-Ching Huang), Australasian J. of Combinatorics, Vol. 3, March, 1991, 55-73.
26. The intersections of commutative latin squares (with Chin-Mei Fu and San-Huei Guo), Ars Combinatoria, 32(1991), 77-96.
27. On the problem of total coloring (with Bor-Liang Chen and Chun-Chang Wang), Proceedings of NSC-Part A, Vol. 15, No. 5, 432-438, Sep. 1991.
28. On the achromatic number of the Cartesian product G1×G2 (with Nam-Po Chiang), Australasian J. of Combinatorics, 6(1992), 111-117.
29. A special partition of the set In (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, Vol. 6, 1992, 57-61.
30. A note on the embedding of a latin parallelepiped into a latin cube (with Nam-Po Chiang), Tatung J., Vol. XXII, 1992, 311-313.
31. Total colorings of graphs of order 2n having maximum degree 2n–2 (with Bor-Liang Chen), Graphs and Combinatorics, 8, 1992, 119-123.
32. Two classes of graphs which have ascending subgraph decompositions (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Ars Combinatoria, 35-A(1993), 65-70.
33. A disproof of the upper embeddable conjecture (with Ming-Tzun Tsai), Proceedings of NSC-Part A, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1993, 121-123.
34. On prime labelings (with Kuo-Ching Huang), Discrete Math., 127(1994), 181-186.
35. Disjoint odd integer subsets having a constant sum (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Discrete Math., 128(1994), 143-150.
36. Edge domination in complete partite graphs (with Bor-Liang Chen), Discrete Math., 132(1994), 29-35.
37. Empirical Bayes estimations for some distribution families (with Wen-Tao Huang and Hsiao-Ten Pao), Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 23(5), 1994, 1429-1445.
38. Some results on equalized total coloring, Congressus Numerantium, 102(1994), 111-119.
39. The linear 2-arboricity of complete bipartite graphs (with Kuo-Ching Huang), Ars Combinatoria, 38(1994), 309-318.
40. The achromatic indices of the regular complete partite graphs (with Nam-Po Chiang), Discrete Math., 141(1995), 61-66.
41. Total chromatic number and chromatic index of split graphs (with Bor-Liang Chen and Ming-Tat Ko), J. of Combin. Math. and Comb. Comp., 17(1995), 137-146.
42. Almost resolvable directed 2r-cycle systems (with C. M. Fu, S. Milici, G. Quattrochi and C. A. Rodger), J. of Combin. Design, Vol. 3, No. 6(1995), 443-447.
43. A new construction for a critical set in special latin squares (with C. M. Fu and W. B. Liao), Congressus Numerantium, 110(1995), 161-166.
44. Total chromatic number of graphs of order 2n+1 having maximum degree 2n-1 (with Bor-Liang Chen and H. P. Yap),J. of London Mathematical Society, 52(1995), Part 3, 434-446.
45. On the construction of universally optimal block designs with nested rows and columns (with Hsiao-Ten Pao), Tamkang J. of Math., Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring 1996, 67-76.
46. Edge and vertex operations on upper embeddable graphs (with Ming-Chun Tsai), Mathematica Slovaca, 46(1996), No. 1, 9-19.
47. The maximum genus of diameter three graphs (with Ming-Chun Tsai), Australasian J. of Combinatorics, 14(1996), 187-197.
48. Connectivity of Cages (with Kuo-Ching Huang and C. A. Rodger), J. Graph Theory, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1997, 187-191.
49. 2-coloring {C3,C4}-design with prescribed number of triangles (with E. J. Billington and Chin-Mei Fu), Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, Vol. 20, May 1997, 62-64.
50. The minimum size of critical sets in latin square (with C. M. Fu and C. A. Rodger), J. Statistical Planning and Inference, 62(1997), 333-337.
51. The Doyen-Wilson theorem for minimum coverings of Kn with triples (with C. C. Lindner and C. A. Rodger), J. Combin. Design 5(1997), 341-352.
52. On the upper bounds for the pseudo-achromatic index (with Nam-Po Chiang), Discrete Math., 175(1997), 79-86.
53. On the existence of a rainbow in 1-factorization of K2n (with D. Woolbright), J. Combin. Design 6(1998), 1-20.
54. Two Doyen-Wilson theorems for maximum packings with triples (with C. C. Lindner and C. A. Rodger), Discrete Math., 178(1998), 63-71.
55. A study of the total chromatic number of equibipartite graphs (with B. L. Chen, C. K. Cheng and K. C. Huang),Discrete Math., 184(1998), 49-60.
56. Group divisible designs with two associate classes: n = 2 or m = 2 (with C. A. Rodger), J. Combin. Theory, SeriesA 83, 1998, 94-117.
57. The maximum genus, matchings and the cycle space of a graph (with M. Škoviera and Ming-Chun Tsai), Czech. Math. J., 48(123)(1998), 329-339.
58. (m,n)-cycle systems (with D. E. Bryant and A. Khodkar),J. Statistical Planning and Inference, 74(1998), 365-370.
59. The Doyen-Wilson theorems for maximum packings of Kn with 4-cycles (with C. C. Lindner), Discrete Math., 183(1998), 103-117.
60. Almost resolvable directed m-cycle systems:m≡3(mode 6) (with C. A. Rodger), Ars Combinatoria, 53(1999), 315-318.
61. The existence of group divisible designs with first and second associates, having block size 3 (with C. A. Rodger and D. G. Sarvate), Ars Combinatoria, 54(2000), 33-50.
62. Forestleaves and four-cycles (with C. A. Rodger), J. Graph Theory, Vol. 33, 2000, 161-166.
63. A note on the α-labeling of bipartite graphs (with Saad El-Zanati and Chin-Lin Shiue), Discrete Math., 214(2000), 241-243.
64. A study of the genus of a group (with I-Fan Sun), Ars Combinatoria, 55(2000), 181-191.
65. Linear k-arboricity on trees (with G. J. Chang, B. L. Chen and K. C. Huang),Discrete Applied Math., 103(2000), 281-287.
66. The optimal pebbling number of complete m-ary tree (with Chin-Lin Shiue), Discrete Math., 222(2000), 89-100.
67. On the α-labeling number of bipartite graphs (with Saad El-Zanati and C. V. Eynden), Utilitas Mathematica, 58(2000), 145-152.
68. The decay number and the maximum genus of diameter 2 graphs (with Ming-Chun Tsai and N. H. Xuong), Discrete Math., 226(2001), 191-197.
69. A note on ascending subgraph decompositions of complete multipartite graphs (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Discrete Math., 226(2001), 397-402.
70. A generalization of Tait coloring cubic graphs, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, Vol. 31(2001), 45-49.
71. Packing complete multipartite graphs with 4-cycles (with E. J. Billington and C. A. Rodger), J. Combin. Design, 9(2001), 107-127.
72. Four-cycle systems with two-regular leaves (with Chris Rodger), Graphs and Combinatorics, 17(2001), 457-461.
73. 4-cycle group divisible designs with two associates classes (with C. A. Rodger), Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 10(2001), 317-343.
74. Quadratic integer programming with application in chaotic mappings of complete multipartite graphs (with Chin-Lin Shiue, Xiuzhen Cheng, Ding-Zhu Du and Joon-Mo Kim), J. Optimization Theory Appl. 110(2001), No. 3, 545-556.
75. 1-rotationally resolvable 2-fold 4-cycle systems (with M. Mishima), J. Combin.Design 10(2002). 116-125.
76. A study of the typenumber of book-embedding (with Y. J. Chen and I. F. Sun), Ars Combinatoria, 62(2002), 97-103.
77. 2-colorable {C4,Ck}-design (with Chin-Mei Fu and Anne Penfold Street), New Zealand J. of Math., Vol. 31(2002), 99-107.
78. The typenumber of trees (with I. F. Sun), Discrete Math., 253(2002), 3-10.
79. Ascending subgraph decomposition of regular graphs (with Wei-Hsin Hu), Discrete Math., 253(2002), 11-18.
80. C4-saturated bipartite graphs (with D. E. Bryant),Discrete Math. 259(2002), 263-268.
81. Face 2-colorable quadrilateral embeddings of complete bipartite graphs (with I-Fan Sun), Utilitas Mathematica, 62(2002), 117-129.
82. The length of a partial transversal in a latin square (with Shyh-Chun Lin and Chin-Mei Fu), J. of Combin. Math. and Comb. Comp. 43(2002), 57-64.
83. The maximum genus of a graph with given diameter and connectivity (with Ming-Chun Tsai), Electronic Notes of Discrete Math., Vol. 11(2002).
84. The existence of 2x4 grid designs and its applications (with Y. Mutoh, T. Morihara and M. Jimbo),SIAM J. Discrete Math., Vol. 16(2003), No. 2, 173-178.
85. The number of 6-cycles in a graph (with Yu-Chain Chang), Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, vol. 39(2003), 27-30.
86. 1-rotationally resolvable 2m-cycle system of 2Kn (with M. Mishima), J. Combin. Design, 11(2003), 394-407.
87. Decomposing complete graphs into KrxKc's (with M. Jimbo, F. K. Hwang, Y. Mutoh and C. L. Shiue), J. Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 119, Issue 2(2004), 225-236.
88. Packing balanced complete multipartite graphs with hexagons (with M. H. Huang),Ars Combinatoria, 71(2004), 49-64.
89. A solution to the forest leave problem for partial 6-cycle systems (with D. Ashe and C. A. Rodger),Discrete Math., 281(2004), 27-41.
90. Cyclically decomposing complete graph into cycles (with S. L. Wu), Discrete Math., 282(2004), 267-273.
91. Decomposing KnUP into triangles (with C. M. Fu and C. A. Rodger), Discrete Math. 284(2004), 131-136.
92. Embeddings of maximum packings of triple systems (with R. W. Su and H. Shen), Discrete Math. 284(2004), 235-245.
93. A resolvable r×c grid-block packing and its application to DNA library screening (with Y. Mutoh and M. Jimbo), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 8, No. 4, 713-737 (2004).
94. The edge-coloring of graphs with small genus (with Hui-Lan Fan), Ars Combinatoria, 73(2004), 219-224.
95. Packing the Cartesian product of two complete graphs with hexagons (with M. H. Huang),Utilitas Mathematica, 67(2005), 129-140.
96. Balanced bipartite 4-cycle designs, Australasian J. of Combin., 32(2005), 3-26.
97. On 3-stage Clos network with different nonblocking requirements on two types of calls (with Frank K. Hwang), J. Combin. Optimization, Vol. 9, no. 3, May 2005, 263-266.
98. All 2-regular leaves of partial 6-cycle system (with D. Ashe and C. A. Rodger), Ars Combinatoria, 76(2005), 129-150.
99. Packing λ-fold complete multipartite graphs with 4-cycles (with E. J. Billington and C. A. Rodger), Graphs and Combin., 21(2005), 169-185.
100. Partition integral set into subsets with prescribed sums (with Fu-Long Chen, Yiju Wang and Jinquin Zhou), Taiwanese J. of Math., Dec. 2005, 629-638.
101. Cyclic m-cycle systems with m≦32 or m=2q with q a prime power (with Shung-Liang Wu), J. Combin. Design, 14(2006), 66-81.
102. Multicolored parallelisms of isomorphic spanning trees (with S. Akbari, A. Alipour and Y. H. Lo), SIAM J. Discrete Math. , June 2006, 564-567.
103. A novel use of t-packings in constructing d-disjunct matrices (with F. K. Hwang), Discrete Applied Math., Vol. 154, Issue 12, 2006, 1759-1762.
104. α-labelling number of trees (with C. L. Shiue), Discrete Math., 306(2006), 3290-3296.
105. Directed C4-decompositions of Dv\P and DvUP where P is a 2-regular subgraph of Dv (with Liqun Pu and H. Shen),Graphs and Combinatorics, (2006) 22, 515-525.
106. A note on cyclic m-cycle systems of Kr(m) (with Shung-Liang Wu), Graphs and Combin., 22(2006), no. 3, 427-432.
107. Maximum Cyclic 4-cycle packings of the complete multipartite graph (with S. L. Wu),J. Combin. Optimization, Number 2-3, Vol. 14(2007), 365-382.
108. Wide diameters of de Bruijn graphs (with J. M. Kuo), J. Combin. Optimization, Number 2-3, Vol. 14(2007), 143-152.
109. Near automorphisms of trees with small displacements (with C. F. Chang),J. Combin. Optimization, Number 2-3, Vol. 14(2007), 191-195.
110. Packing 5-cycles into balanced complete m-partite graphs for odd m (with Ming-Hway and Chin-Mei Fu),J. Combin. Optimization, Number 2-3, Vol. 14(2007), 365-382.
111. New results on harmonious trees (with Hui-Chuan Lu), Utilitas Math., 74(2007), 97-110.
112. Near automorphisms of cycles (with C. F. Chang and B. L. Chen), Discrete Math., 308(2008), 1088-1092.
113. Maximal sets of Hamiltonian cycles in K2p - F(with S. L. Logan and C. A. Rodger), Discrete Math., 308(2008), 2822-2829.
114. A study of total relative displacement of permutations in paths and cycles (with K. C. Cheng, N. P. Chiang and C. K. Tzeng), Utilitas Mathematica, 75(2008), 139-157.
115. All graphs with maximum degree three whose complements have 4-cycle decompositions (with C. M. Fu, C. A. Rodger and Todd Smith), Discrete Math. 308(2008), 2901-0909.
116. The IC-indices of complete bipartite graphs (with Chin-Lin Shiue), Eletronic J.Combin., Vol. 15, R 43 (March, 12, 2008).
117. Maximal sets of Hamitonian cycles in Dn (with Liqun Pu and Hao Shen), Discrete Math., 308(2008), 2901-2909.
118. On the minimum sets of 1-factors covering a complete multipartite graph (with D. Cariolaro), J. Graph Theory, Vol. 58, Issue 3(2008), 239-250.
119. The Hamiltonian-Waterloo problem for two even cycle factors (with Kuo-Ching Huang), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 12, No. 4, 2008, 933-940.
120. The linear 3-arboricity of Kn,n and Kn(with K. C. Huang and C. H. Yen), Discrete Math., 308, Issue 17(2008), 3761-3769.
121. A new construction of 3-separable matrices via improved decoding of Macula construction, Discrete Optim., Vol. 5, 2008, 700-704.
122. Minimizing SONET ADMs in unidirectional WDM rings with grooming rate seven (with C. Colbourn, G. Ge, A. Ling and Hui-Chuan Lu), SIAM J. Discrete Math., Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2008, 109-122.
123.On the diameter of the generalized undirected de Bruijn graphs UGB(n,m), n2≤n3(with Jyhmin Kuo), Networks, Vol. 52, Issue 4, 2008, 180-182.
124. An upper bound of the number of tests in pooling designs for the error-tolerant complex model (with H. B. Chen and F. K. Hwang), Optimization Letter, 2(2008), no. 3, 425-431.
125. The minimum number of e-vertex-cover among hypergraphs with e edges of given rank (with F. H. Chang, F. K. Hwang and B. C. Lin), Discrete Applied Math., 157(2009), 164-169.
126. Packing of Dv-P and DvUP with Mendelsohn triples (with Liqun Pu and H. Shen), Ars Combinatoria, 91(2009), 165-182.
127. Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of length n≡0 (mod 16) and weight 3 (with Miwako Mishima and Shoichi Uruno), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (2009)52, 275-291.
128. Excessive near 1-factorizations (with D. Cariolaro), Discrete Math., 309(2009), 4690-4696.
129. Multicolored parallelism of Hamiltonian cycles (with Y. H. Lo), Discrete Math., 309(2009), 4871-4876.
130. The existence of rx4 grid-block designs with r = 3, 4 (with Rucong Zhang, Gennian Ge, Alan C. H. Ling and Y. Mutoh), SIAM Discrete Math., Vol. 23, Issue 2, 2009, 1045-1062.
131. The optimal pebbling number of the caterpillar (with Chin-Lin Shiue), Taiwanese J. Math., 2009, Vol. 13, No. 2A, 419-429.
132. Nonadaptive algorithms for threshold group testing (with H. B. Chen), Discrete Applied Math., 157(2009), 1581-1585.
133. The excessive [3]-index of all graphs (with D. Cariolaro), Electronic J. Combin. 16(2009), #R124.
134. A complete solution to the existence problem for cyclically 2-resolvable 4-cycle systems of the complete multipartite graph (with Shung-Liang Wu), J. Stat. & Appl. Vol. 4, No 2-3, 2009, 251-264.
135. Some results on 4-cycle packings, Ars Combin. 93, 2009, 15-23.
136. Linear 2-arboricity of the complete graphs (with C. H. Yen), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 14, No. 1 (2010), 273-286.
137. Covering graphs with matchings of fixed size (with D. Cariolaro), Discrete Math., 310(2010), 276-287.
138. On the largest eigenvalues of bipartite graphs which are nearly complete (with Yi-Fan Chen, In-Jae Kim, Eryn Stehr and Brendon Watts), Linear Algebra Applications, 432(2010), 606-614.
139. On near relative prime number in a sequence of positive integers (with Jyhmin Kuo), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 14, No. 1 (2010), 123-129.
140. Identification and classification problem on pooling designs for inhibitor models (with Hui-Lan Chang and Hong-Bin Chen), J. Comput. Biology, Vol. 17 (2010), No. 7, 927-941.
141. Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight 3 (with Yi-Hean Lin and Miwako Mishima), IEEE Transaction Information Theory, Vol. 56, No. 11, Nov. 2010, 5747-5756.
142. Sparseness of 4-cycle systems (with Y. Fujiwara and Shung-Liang Wu), JCMCC 75(2010), 175 – 185.
143. Graphs with isomorphic neighbor-subgraphs (with Chi-Feng Chan and Chao-Fang Li), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 15 (2011), No. 3, 1171 - 1182.
144. Embeddings of maximum packings of triples (with Renwang Su), Ars Combin., 98 (2011), 337 – 351.
145. Errata to “ Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight 3 (with Yi-Hean Lin and Miwako Mishima), IEEE Transaction Information Th., Vol. 57, No. 8, Aug. 2011, 5572.
146. Reconstruction of hidden graphs and threshold group testing (with Hui-Lan Chang, Hong-Bin Chen and Chi-Huai Shih), J. Combin. Optim., 22(2011), no. 2, 270 – 281.
147. The Hamilton-Waterloo problem for Hamilton cycles and C4k-factors (with Hongchuan Lei and Hao Shen), Ars Combin., 100(2011), 341 – 348.
148. (4,5)-cycle systems of complete multipartite graphs (with Ming-Hway Huang), Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 16, No. 3, June 2012, 999-1006.
149. On the diameter of the generalized undirected de Bruijn graphs (with Jyhmin Kuo), Ars Combin., 106(2012), 395 – 408.
150. Transversals in m by n arrays (with Chang-Chun Lee),J. Stat. Theory and Practice, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2012, 139 – 146.
151. Feedback vertex set of planar graphs (with Hong-Bin Chen and Chie-Huai Shih), Taiwanese J. Math., 16 (2012), no. 6, 2077 – 2082.
152. Group testing with multiple mutually-obscuring positives (with Hong-Bin Chen),Lecture Notes Computer Science, Vol. 7777 (2013), 557 – 568.
153. The decycling number of outerplanar graphs (with Huilan Chang and Min-Yin Lien), J. Combin. Optim., Issue 4, Vol. 25, May 2013, 536 - 542.
154. A note on optimal pebbling of hypercubes (with Kuo-Ching Huang and Chin-Lin Shiue), J. Combin. Optim., Issue 4, Vol. 25, May 2013, 597 – 601.
155. Optimal tight equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes of length 2q ±1and weight 3 (with Shung-Liang Wu), J. Combin. Design, Vol. 21, Issue 6, 223 – 231, June 2013.
156. New bounds on the average information rate of secret sharing schemes for graph-based weight threshold access structures (with Hui-Chuan Lu), Information Science, 240 (2013), 83 – 94.
157. Threshold group testing on inhibitor model (Huilan Chang and Chie-Huai Shih), J. Computational Biology, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2013, 1 – 7.
158. Edge-colorings of K(m,n) which forbid multicolored cycles (with Yuan-Hsun Lo and Ruo-Yu Pei), Utilitas Mathematica, 90(2013), 77 – 84.
159. Optimal conflict-avoiding codes of odd length and weight three (with Yuan-Hsun Lo and Kenneth Shum), Des. Code Cryptography, 72(2014), no. 2, 289 - 309
160. The exact values of the average information ratio for tree-based access structures of perfect secret sharing schemes (with Hui-Chuan Lu), Des. Code Cryptography, 73(2014), no. 1, 37 – 46.
161. The decycling number of Pm□Pn (with Min-Yun Lien and Chi-Huai Shih), Discrete Math. Algorithm Applications, 6(2014), n0. 3, 9 pp.
162. Learning a hidden graph (with Huilan Chang and Chie-Huai Shih), Optimization Letters, 8(2014), no. 8, 2341 – 2348.
163. On the decycling number of generalized Kautz digraphs (with Jyhmin Kuo and Min-Yun Lien), Inform. Process. Lett. 115(2015), no. 2, 209 – 211.
164. New bound on 2-bar-separable codes of length 2 (with Minquan Cheng, J. Jiang, Yuan-Hsun Lo and Ying Miao), Des. Code Cryptography, 74(2015), no. 1, 31 – 40.
165. The absorbant number of generalized de Bruijn digraphs (with Jyhmin Kuo), Ars Combin. 118(2015), 433 – 443.
166. Weighted maximum matchings and optimal equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes (with Yuan-Hsun Lo and Yi-Hean Lin), Des. Code Cryptography, 76(2015), no. 2, 361 – 372.
167. Multicolored isomorphic spanning trees in complete graphs (with Yun-Hsun Lo), Ars Combin. 122(2015), 423 – 430.
168. The Hamilton-Waterloo problem for triangle-factors and heptagon-factors (with Hongchuan Lei), Graphs Combin. 32(2016), no. 1, 271 – 278.
169. Partially user-irrepressible sequence sets and conflict-avoiding codes (with Yuan-Hsun Lo and Wing Shing Wong), Des. Code Cryptography, 78(2016), no. 3, 679 – 691.
170. Codes with the identifiable parent property for multimedia fingerprinting (with Minquan Cheng, J. Jiang, Yuan-Hsun Lo and Ying Miao), Des. Code Cryptography, 83(2017),.1,71-82..
171. The global packing number for an optical network (with Yuan-Hsun Lo, Yijin Zhang and Wing Shing).
172. Packing graphs with graph of size three (with Zhen-Chun Chen and Kuo-Ching Huang), to appear Taiwanese J.Math.
173. Learning a hidden uniform hypergraph (with Huilan Chang and Chi-Huai Shih), to appear, Optim. Lett.
174. The global packing number of a fat-tree network (with Yuan-Hsun Lo, Yijin Zhang, Yi Chen and Wing Shing Wong), to appear, IEEE Transaction Information Th.
175. Mid-labeled partial digest problem (with Kuo-Ching Huang and Yi-Ting Hsiao), in preprints.
176. On the number of rainbow spanning trees in an edge-colored complete graph (with Yun-Hsun Lo, K. Perry and C. A. Rodger), in preprints.(DM)
177. Optimal equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes of prime length and weight 4, in preprints.
178. Prime labelling of trees (with K. P. Chang, Kuo-Ching Huang and Jyh-min Kuo), in preprints.(EJC)
179. Edge number of 3-connected diameter 3 graphs (with Ming-Chun Tsai), Proceedings of ISPAN 04’, 2004, 1 – 4.
180. Linear 3-arboricity of Km(n) (with Chi-Hung Yen), JCMCC 60(2007), 33 – 46.
181. Optimal detection of influential spreaders in online social networks (with Chee Wei Tan, Pei-Duo Yu, Liang Zhong, Chun-Kiu Lai and Wenyi Zhang), Proc.q Conference of Information Sciences and Systems, 2016,145-150.
182. Rumor source detection in unicyclic graphs (with Pei-Duo Yu and Chee Wei Tan), in preprints.
183. Rumor source detection in finite graphs with boundary effects by message-passing algorithm (with Pei-Duo Yu and Chee Wei Tan), in preprints
Papers of HLFU.