Professor Chih-Wen Weng
- Email:
- Tel: +886-3-573-1610
- Fax: +886-3-572-4679
- Address: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050, ROC
- Fall Semester, 2024:
- Topics in Discrete Maths.
- Basic Mathematics
- Algebraic Graph Theory
- Linear Algebra (I)
- Spring Semester, 2024:
- Algebra(II)
- Education
- B.S. in Mathematics, National Taiwan University, June 1986.
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A., August 1995.
- Research Areas
- Algebraic Combinatorics.
- Positions, Honors and Awards
- Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung Uni-versity, June 1995 -January 2002.
- Honorary Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 2000-December 2000.
- Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, January 2002- .
- Chair, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, August 2013 -
- Recent Research Projects
96/08/01~99/07/31, D-bounded Distance-Regular Graphs I, II, III
99/08/01~102/07/31, Combinatorial Design and Its Applications
102/08/01~105/07/31, Linear Algebra Applied to Graph Theory
Selected Publications
(A) Refereed Papers:
· Yeh-jong Pan, Min-hsin Lu and Chih-wen Weng, Triangle-free Distance-regular Graphs, Journal of algebraic combinatorics, 27(1), 23-34, 2008
· Tayuan Huang, Kaishun Wang and Chih-wen Weng, A Class of Error-Correcting Pooling Designs over Complexes, J Comb Optim (2010) 19: 486–491 ( doi 10.10071 s10878-008-9179-4) (期刊版)
· Ito T., Terwilliger P. and Weng C., The quantum algebra Uq(sl2) and its equitable presentation, Journal of Algebra 298 (2006) 284-301 .
Combinatorial Matrix Theory
Celluar Neutral Networks
· Shih, C., Weng, C. Cycle-Symmetric Matrices and Convergent Neutral Networks, Physical D, 146:213-220, 2000
- Hau-wen Huang and Chih-wen Weng, Combinatorial Representations of Coxeter Graphs over a Field of Two Elements.
- Partially Distance-Regular Graphs and Partially Walk-Regular Graphs.
- A Survey on D-bounded Distance-regular Graphs, 2007
- Subgraphs Graph in a Distance-regular Graph, 2007
- Cycle-Symmetric Matrices, 1999
(C) Others:
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