吳培元(Pei Yuan Wu)榮譽退休教授
- Email: pywu@math.nctu.edu.tw
- 電話: 03-571-2121 ext. 56426
- 傳真: 03-572-4679
- 地址: 30010新竹市大學路1001號 交通大學 應用數學系
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- 113 學年度第一學期:
- 112 學年度第二學期:
- 學歷
- 印地安那大學 數學系 博士 (1975年)
- 國立台灣大學 數學系 學士 (1969年)
- 學術專長暨研究領域
- 算子理論
- 泛函分析
- 矩陣分析
- 學術經歷與榮譽
- 國立交通大學 應用數學系 系主任 (1980/08 - 1982/01)
- 國立交通大學 應用數學系 副教授 (1975/08 - 1978/07)
- 國立交通大學 應用數學系 教 授 (1978/08 - 2014/02)
- 國立交通大學教學優良獎 (1984年)
- 莊守耕公益基金科學獎 (1984年)
- 國科會傑出研究獎 (1985,1987年)
- 教育部理科學術獎 (1989年)
- 中華民國數學會學會獎 (2002年)
- 交大講座教授 (2006-2008,2008-2010)
- 交大終身講座教授 (2010-2014)
- 交大榮譽退休教授 (2014-present)
- Editor, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (1985–2005)
- Editor, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (1997–2003)
- Editor-in-chief, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (1998–2000)
- Editor, Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part A: Physical Science and Engineering (2000–2001)
- Reviewer, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (1979–2013)
- Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews (1995–2013)
- Plenary speaker, the 12th International Linear Algebra Society Conference, June 29, 2005,
- Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Member of Scientific Organizing Committee, the 14th International Linear Algebra Society Conference, 2007,
- Shanghai, China Guest editor, Special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications for the 14th International Linear Algebra Society Conference, 430 (5-6) (2009), 1441-1724
- Editor, Operators and Matrices (2007 - 2015)
- Editor, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2009 - 2015)
- Editor, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2013 - 2015)
- 近五年研究計劃
- 有界算子數值域的研究 (96-2115-M-009-013-MY3)
- 矩陣和算子數值域的研究(99-2115-M-009-002-MY2)
- 張量積的數值域(101-2115-M-009-004)
- KMS矩陣的數值域--吳培元 (NSC 102-2115-M-009-007)
- 指導研究生
- 郭?煌,1990年博士 (Products of orthogonal projections and related topics)
- 陳功宇,1991年博士 (Quasinormal operators : similarity,quasisimilarity and compact perturbation)
- 王進賢,1991年博士 (Decomposition of operators into quadratic type)
- 余啟輝,1997年博士 (A study on sums of idempotents)
- 高華隆,1998年博士 (Numerical ranges of S(Φ) )
- 辛靜宜,1999年博士 (Operators similar to irreducible ones)
蔡明誠,2011年博士 (A study of numerical ranges of operators and matrices)
- 李信儀,2014年博士 (Gau-Wu numbers of certain matrices)
- On nonorthogonal decompositions of certain contractions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 37 (1975), 301-306.
- Commutants of C0(N) contractions, Acta Sci.Math.(Szeged), 38 (1976), 193-202.
- The splitting of a(T1⊕T2) and related questions, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 26 (1977), 41-56 (jointly with John B. Conway).
- On contractions satisfying Alg T=(T)', Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 67 (1977), 260-264.
- Quasi-similarity of weak contractions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 69 (1978), 277- 282.
- Hyperinvariant subspaces of the direct sum of certain contractions, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 27 (1978), 267-274; erratum, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 28 (1979), 699.
- Jordan model for weak contractions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 40 (1978), 189-196.
- Hyperinvariant subspaces of C11contractions, II, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 27 (1978), 805-812.
- The hyperinvariant subspace lattice of a contraction of class C.0, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 72 (1978), 527-530.
- Conditions for completely nonunitary contractions to be spectral, J. Func. Anal., 31(1979), 1-12.
- Hyperinvariant subspaces of C11 contractions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 75 (1979), 53-58.
- Hyperinvariant subspaces of weak contractions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 41 (1979), 259-266.
- Bi-invariant subspaces of weak contractions, J. Operator Theory, 1 (1979), 261- 272.
- C11 contractions are reflexive, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 77 (1979), 68-72.
- On the weakly closed algebra generated by a weak contraction, J. Operator Theory, 2 (1979), 141-148.
- On contractions of class C1., Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 42 (1980), 205-210.
- On the reflexivity of C0 (N) contractions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 79 (1980), 405-409.
- On a conjecture of Sz.-Nagy and Foias, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 42 (1980), 331-338.
- On the quasi-similarity of hyponormal contractions, Illinois J. Math., 25 (1981), 499-503.
- C.0 contractions: cyclic vectors, commutants and Jordan models, J. Operator Theory, 5 (1981), 53-62.
- C11 contractions are reflexive. II, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 82 (1981), 226-230.
- The structure of quasinormal operators and the double commutant property, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 270 (1982), 641-657 (jointly with John B. Conway).
- Approximate decompositions of certain contractions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 14 (1982), 137-149.
- When is a contraction quasi-similar to an isometry?, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 44 (1982), 151-155.
- On the reflexivity of C1. contractions and weak contractions, J. Operator Theory, 8 (1982), 209-217.
- Reflexivity and double commutant porperty for hyponormal contractions, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., 28 (1983), 631-635.
- Multiplicities of isometries, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 7 (1984), 436- 439.
- Which C.0 contraction is quasi-similar to its Jordan model?, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 47 (1984), 449-455.
- Contractions with constant characteristic function are reflexive, J. London Math. Soc., 29 (1984), 533-544.
- Contractions with a unilateral shift summand are reflexive, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 7 (1984), 899-904.
- Toward a characterization of reflexive contractions, J. Operator Theory, 13 (1985), 73-86.
- Hyponormal operators quasisimilar to an isometry, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 291 (1985), 229-239.
- Approximation by partial isometries, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 29 (1986), 255-261.
- Products of nilpotent matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 96 (1987), 227-232.
- Products of positive semidefinite matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 111 (1988), 53-61.
- Products of normal operators, Canad. J. Math., 40 (1988), 1322-1330.
- Contractions quasisimilar to an isometry, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 53 (1989), 139-145.
- Approximation by invertible and noninvertible operators, J. Approximation Theory, 56 (1989), 267-276.
- The operator factorization problems, Linear Algebra Appl., 117 (1989), 35-63.
- Factorization of matrices into partial isometries, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 105 (1989), 263-272 (jointly with K.-H. Kuo).
- Convex combinations of projections, Linear Algebra Appl., 136 (1990), 25-42 (jointly with M.-D. Choi).
- Sums of idempotent matrices, Linear Algrebra Appl., 142 (1990), 43-54.
- Products of unipotent matrices of index 2, Linear Algrbra Appl., 149 (1991), 111-123 (jointly with J.-H. Wang).
- Sums of square-zero operators, Studia Math., 99 (1991), 115-127 (jointly with J.-H. Wang).
- Products of orthogonal projections, "Functional Analysis and Related Topics", S. Koshi, ed., World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, pp. 127-137 (jointly with K.-H. Kuo).
- Similarity and quasisimilarity of quasinormal operators, J. Operator Theory, 27 (1992), 385-412 (jointly with K.-Y. Chen and D. A. Herrero).
- All (?) about quasinormal operators, "Operator Theory and Complex Analysis", T. Ando & I. Gohberg, eds., Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 59, Birkhuser Verlag, Basel, 1992, pp. 372-398.
- Which linear transformations have isomorphic hyperinvariant subspace lattices?, Linear Algrbra Appl., 169 (1992), 163-178.
- Products of diagonal operators, Chinese Sci. Bull., 38 (1993), 265-268 (jointly with J.-C. Hou, M.-C. Gao & X.-L. Zhang).
- Diagonal operators: dilation, sum and product, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 57 (1993), 125-138 (jointly with C. K. Fong).
- Additive combinations of special operators, "Functional Analysis and Operator Theory", J. Zemnek, ed., Banach Center Pub., Vol. 30, Warsaw, Poland, (1994), pp. 337-361.
- Sums and products of cyclic operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 122 (1994), 1053-1063.
- Difference and similarity models of two idempotent operators, Linear Algebra Appl., 208/209 (1994), 257-282 (jointly with J.-H. Wang).
- Band-diagonal operators, Linear Algebra Appl., 248 (1996), 185-204 (jointly with C. K. Fong).
- Diagonal unitary dilations of contractions, Proc. Intern. Math. Conf.'94, World Scientific, Singapore, (1996), pp. 219-226.
- Unitary dilations and numerical ranges, J. Operator Theory, 38 (1997), 25-42.
- A numerical range characterization of Jordan blocks, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 43(1998), 351-361.
- Sums of strongly irreducible operators, Houston J. Math., 24 (1998), 467-481 (jointly with C.-L. Jiang).
- Dilation to the unilateral shifts, Integral Equations Operator Theory., 32 (1998), 101-113 (jointly with K. Takahashi).
- Numerical range of S(ψ), Linear Multilinear Algebra, 45 (1998), 49-74 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Dilation to inflations of S(ψ), Linear Multilinear Algebra, 45 (1998), 109-123 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Matricial ranges of quadratic operators, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 29 (1999), 1139-1152 (jointly with S.-H. Tso).
- Singular unitary dilations, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 33 (1999), 231-247 (jointly with K. Takahashi).
- Lucas’ theorem refined, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 45 (1999), 359-373 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Polygons and numerical ranges, Amer. Math. Monthly, 107 (2000), 528-540.
- The numerical range of a nonnegative matrix, Linear Algebra Appl.,350 (2002),1-23 (jointly with C.-K. Li and B.-S. Tam).
- Numerical range of Aluthge transform of operator, Linear Algebra Appl., 357 (2002), 295-298.
- Higher-dimensional numerical ranges of quadratic operators, J. Operator Theory, 49 (2003), 153-171 (jointly with M.-T. Chien & S.-H. Tso).
- Direct sums of irreducible operators, Studia Math., 155 (2003), 37-49 (jointly with J. S. Fang & C.-L. Jiang).
- Condition for the numerical range to contain an elliptic disc, Linear Algebra Appl. 364 (2003), 213-222 (jointly with H,-L. Gau).
- Finite Blaschke products of contractions, Linear Algebra Appl., 368 (2003), 359-370 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical range and Poncelet property, Taiwanese J. Math., 7 (2003) 173-193 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical range of a normal compression, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 52 (2004), 195-201 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Companion matrices: reducibility, numerical range and similarity to contractions, Linear Algebra Appl., 383 (2004), 127-142 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical range circumscribed by two polygons, Linear Algebra Appl., 382 (2004), 155-170 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical range of a normal compression II, Linear Algebra Appl., 390 (2004), 121-136 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Anderson’s theorem for compact operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 134 (2006), 3159 - 3162 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Finite-rank perturbations of positive operators and isometries, Studia Math., 173 (2006), 73-79 (jointly with M.-D. Choi).
- Polar decompositions of contractions, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 56 (2006), 559-569.
- Numerical ranges of companion matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 421 (2007), 202-218 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Line segments and elliptic arcs on the boundary of a numerical range, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 56 (2008), 131 - 142 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Higher-rank numerical ranges and dilations, J. Operator Theory, 63 (2010), 181-189 (jointly with H.-L. Gau and C.-K. Li).
- Fredholmness of linear combinations of two idempotents, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 59 (2007), 579-583 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical radius inequality for C0 contractions, Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009), 1509-1516 (jointly with H.-L. Gau and M. C. Tsai).
- Numerical radius inequalities for square-zero and idempotent operators, Oper. Matrices, 2 (2008), 137-141 (jointly with H.-L. Gau and C.-Y. Huang).
- Numerical ranges of nilpotent operators, Linear Algebra Appl., 429 (2008), 716-726 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Inner functions of numerical contractions, Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009), 2182-2191 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical ranges of radial Toeplitz operators on Bergman space, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 65 (2009), 581-591 (jointly with K.-Z. Wang).
- Unitary part of a contraction, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 366 (2010), 700-705 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Defect indices of powers of a contraction, Linear Algebra Appl., 432 (2010), 2824-2833 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Crawford numbers of powers of a matrix, Linear Algebra Appl., 433 (2010), 2243-2254 (jointly with K.-Z Wang and H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical ranges of weighted shift matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 435 (2011), 243-254 (jointly with M.C. Tsai).
- Numerical ranges of weighted shifts, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 381 (2011), 897-909 (jointly with K.-Z. Wang.)
- Numerical ranges as circular discs, Applied Math. Lett., 24 (2011), 2115-2117.
- Noncircular elliptic discs as numerical ranges of nilpotent operators, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 60 (2012),1225-1233 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical ranges and Geršgorin discs, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (2013), 1170-1192. (jointly with C.-L. Chang, H.-L. Gau & K.-Z. Wang).
- Numerical ranges and compressions of Sn-matrices,Oper. Matrices, 7 (2013), 465-476 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Diagonals and numerical ranges of weighted shift matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (2013), 514-532 (jointly with K.-Z. Wang).
- Higher-rank numerical ranges and Kippenhahn polynomials, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (2013), 3054-3061 (jointly with H.-L. Gau)
- Numerical ranges of KMS matrices, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 79 (2013), 583-610 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Zero-dilation indices of KMS matrices, Ann. Funct. Anal., 5 (2014), 30-35 (jointly with H.-L. Gau).
- Numerical radii for tensor products of matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 63 (2015),1916-1936 (jointly with H.-L. Gau & K.-Z. Wang).
- Numerical radii for tensor products of operators, Integral Equations Operator Theory, 78 (2014(, 375-382 (jointly with H.-L. Gau & K.-Z. Wang).
- Zero-dilation index of a finite matrix, Linear Algebra Appl., 440 (2014), 111 - 124 (jointly with H.- L. Gau & K. -Z. Wang).
- Structures and numerical ranges of power partial isometries, Linear Algebra Appl., 440 (2014), 325-341 (jointly with H.- L. Gau).
- Sums of orthogonal projections, J. Func. Anal., 267 (2014), 384-404 (jointly with M.-D. Choi)
Power partial isometry index and ascent of a finite matrix, Linear Algebra Appl., 459 (2014), 136-144 (jointly with H. - L. Gau).
Excursions in numerical ranges, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N. S.),9 (2014), 351-370 (jointly with H. -L. Gau).
- Upper and lower bounds for numerical radii of block shibts, Bull. Iraniam Math. Soc., accepted (jointly with H. - L. Gau)
- Circular numerical ranges of partial isometries, Linear Multilinear Algebra, accepted (jointly with H. - L. & Gau K.-Z. Wang)
- Cramford numbers of companion matices, Open Matrices, accepted (jointly with H. - L. & Gau K.-Z. Wang)
(A) Refereed Papers:
- Dilation to unilateral shifts, “Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications”, A. V. Balakrishnan, ed., Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 42, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2000, pp. 364-367.
- Direct sums of irreducible operators, Trends in Mathematics, 2(1999), 40-44.
- Numerical ranges of compressions of the shifts, “Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications”, C. Kubrusly, N. Levan & M. da Silveira, eds., Optimization Software, Los Angeles, 2002, pp.351-356.
(B) Conference Papers:
- Review of Hari Bercovici's Operator theory andAarithmetic in H∞, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (New Series), 21(1989), 184-186.
- Multiplicative commutator and product of involution, "Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3, Part I", V. P. Havin & N. K. Nikolski, eds., Lecture Notes in Math., No. 1573, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994, pp. 229-230.
- Products of two normal operators, preprint (jointly with M.-D. Choi).
- Matrix interpretation of Marden’s proof of Siebeck’s theorem, preprint (jointly with B. Mirman).
- Numerical Ranges of Hilbert Space Operators, manuscript, 327 pages.
(C) Others:
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